It is Valentine Day !!! many of the boys and mans will get the girls and woman to go out and have a good time in Valentine day. Some of the people like man will get the woman or girls some give like a small bear, some chocolate, a card of heart, and write about how you felt about her or him. Like me I can not tell how I feel I can not get it out of my heart and my mind. Each day I get up in the nigh when everyone was sleeping is like I was thinking about some I didn't know I can not get a good sleep because of that I doesn't is anything do with liking some one or some other thing. Hmm about the Valentine Day there are more thing about Valentine day and love. Chocolate the one candy that make people happy and feeling good many of people give chocolate to girl and eat in a good night I think that chocolate taste good is more than taste because when you are sad, mad, and you can eat chocolate to make it better and felt good too. I think that if your like someone you can give some chocolate candy to a girl or boys wait I doesn't think is boys only girls and chocolate can make a girl like you or is not true because the girl doesn't at all like Peter in my school he like a girl in school name Marina but marina doesn't like he at all because Peter talk too much make Marina doesn't felt good. Some people in my school did many thing in Valentine day like go out and but give for her or him like a bear and chocolates and flowers wait i have to tell you about flower girls like flower because they look nice and it feel good when you smell. I think that girls are like a flower because inside of a girl have a good nice thinking good heart inside of it. Is some perfect like a nice flower perfect feeling and nice feel warm. Maybe that is the reason the the boys starting to like a girl that they see or saw. If you are read this is I Z who think and I do not know is true are not true but how I tell is so so so true I doesn't know who I like or love if you know give me a comment are tell me is person. In school there many of boys in my class the like a girl if you want to know more give a comment to me I will write more about Love