Do you know that water give us life and kept us alive in this world of Earth. And in Earth there are more part of water than lands in this planet. I know that water is cover most of our body. Over in this world water cover 70% of the water area in the world than lands. Not only that, water can case of many things bad and good. One reason that I tell you is the water is life and giving us everyday and that is a good thing. And one reason the is bad is that water can case a hurricanes and to other cities and town. In this world there are only 3% of water the is fresh and good for drinking in the all around the world. In land millions and millions of people and working place is pollution to the water and the water we drinking everyday and weeks are all pollution water and bad for our body and water are slowly going away. The only or more one reason is crops and pants in the world keeping the world water and the water that we drink everyday to a fresh water and more will come to this world or us. There are 15% of fresh water that use for the cooling machines, creating power, and the producing goods. As human people in the world have to take showering,washing dishes, drinking is the other 15% of the water. In the world for example American need water to survive, without water we cannot solve any problem like fire. In this world more water is not clear and water get pollution and foods, wood on the water and pollution. Water is important for us because water is one reason that we are alive and one reason that give us life.

In this world I am fear of many, but the should be fear one thing is my grades. Number one grades, because if my grades go down to 65 or less I got a big F and I would have to go to a good high school if my grades are that low and I cannot pass 8 grade. So that is the number one thing that I am fear of. Number two is some to do with sport so you know I play "table tennis"=ping pong. For example in America table tennis they has rating to see what rate you are in America table tennis, will now as you know I'm 12 year old and I'm rate number 6 in America of under 16 year old not bad. But if you see in America there are table tennis team, one team only and only get in if you are in top 3 and the other in the team is going down they come out of the team and the top 3 gets in. So if I keep working to get to top 3 I will get in and when I'm in collage the money I pay go low or 0 if you know. So if I drop down I will not! go inside the team not only that I have to pay money or more when I go to collage so that is number two thing that I fear of. So that is the top 2 so the other will not example that much. Bedbugs biting me at night and day light my face is all red so I am a fear of they.
-2010 of my high school
-Black hole
-eater plants

Ziliang 11/23/09
News Post

Thursday, November 19, 2009 President Obama blurted out a predicted conviction and death sentence for 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed. At the end of the Obama’s Asia trip, he said those offended by the legal privileges offered to Mohammed in a civilian rather than military trial won’t find it “offensive at all when he’s convicted and when he dead penalty is applied to him.” As all that kelp going he quickly backtracked, saying he didn’t mean to suggest he was prejudging the self confessed mass murderer. The president also said that experienced prosecutor who specialize in terrorism have offered assurances that “we’ll convict this person with the evidence they’ve got, going through our system.” Obama also said that “Attorney General Eric Holder made the decision to move Mohammed and his henchman from a detention center at Guantanamo Bay,” “Cuba, to face the civilian federal trial in Manhattan, block from Ground Zero.” After that was done, Holder came under withering Republican fire when he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Sen. Jon Kyl took issue with Holder’s claim that a federal civilian court is “where the government will have the greatest opportunity to present the strongest case and the best law.” Than he demanded and question up that “How could you be more likely to get a conviction in federal court when Khaild Sheik Mohammed has already asked to plead guilty before a military commission and be executed?” But “those trials do not desire of Khaild Sheik Mohammed ,” Holder shot it back. “America was attacked on September 11th New York should not bear the burden alone,” said Holder. Not only Holder said that he also indicated that even if Mohammed is somehow acquitted, he could be charged with a long list of other crimes that would tie him up in court forever. A Committee Chairman name Partrick Leahy the (D-Vt) said “I might say, half facetiously, that there are a lot of people in New York who wouldn’t mind having him released onto the street of New York.
The 9/11 was mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed in Manhattan. But that just what they called it the name, before that unleashing his own withering interrogation of the attorney general, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) removed his suit jacket and hung it on the back of his chair. He begin by nothing the primary reason Holder gave for wanting to try Mohammed in federal court was to ensure the best chance at successfully prosecuting him. Kyl asked with Perry mason precision that “how could you be more likely to get a conviction in federal court when Khalid Sheik Mohammed has already asked to plead guilty before a military commission and be executed?”
Approval falls below 50% of the public has dropping for the first time when president Obama was strolled along the Great Wall yesterday before wrapping up his China trip. The 48 percent of president Obama’ approval rating stand, and the 42 percents disapproval, according to the latest Quinnipiac University poll. Wall before president Obama’ approval rating was 59 percents in May, than 57 percents in July, than in this October is 50 percents of the approval rating for president Obama. The percentage of those who disapprove of his handling of the economy has spiked, going from a virtual even split in October to 52 to 43 percent disapproval now. President Hamid Karzai who is getting sworn in for another term , Obama dodged the question. “I think that president Karzai has served his country in important way, He has some strengths, but he’s got some weaknesse,” he said and told the CNN. “Over many defense secretary over leaks coming out of the White House about sensitive deliberation on troop level in Afghanistan, calling it a firing offense,” he told the CBS. They would changing and changing that they would making decisions that are life and dead that affect how our troop are going to able to operate in a theater of war. Obama said that “he’ll announce his decision on a troop buildup in Afghanistan over the next several week. Well they would confident that at the end of this process I’m going to be able to present to the American people, in very clear terms, what exactly is at stake, what we intend to do, how we’re going to succeed, how much it’s going to cost. And How long it’s going to take,” Obama told NBC. Not only that the president also laughed off question about whether the pressures of his job have caused him to lose weight.
On Saturday the healthcare has vote in the Senate was a theatrical fizzle. The leader of Majority Harry Reid his vote was 60 that was the people said. But his still needed to start debate Obamacare. They said that if Medicaid $100 million payoff to her state wasn’t enough to keep Louisiana Sen. And the other two centrist Democrats whose vote were in doubt Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas and Ben Nelson of Nebraska took refuge in the explanation of they find on a Socratic interest in opening a debate on the bill, not only that who could be able against that? They asked it. But the question was not so simply because there was real drama playing out every day the Democrats persist in the political and fiscal heedlessness that characterizes their push for Obamacare. By dipping below 50 percent public approval in the Gallup poll last week for the first time. Because they don’t realized that they’re led by a marginally popular president. But are the deeply unpopular themselves and are pushing for legislation this is opposed by more people than support it in almost every single opinion poll. In that way they should and now do realize it they just only don’t care about that thing for now and than the problem get bigger and they come than talk about it. Well they’ve will talked themselves into the ludicrously self delusional notion that what ails them and the president is that they haven’t yet passed the hundreds of billions of dollars of tax hikes and Medicare cut that finance about the albeit incompletely of Obamacare.
The Tax hike undid by George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton Bush lost his presidency. But Clinton his congressional majority. Not just about the tax the Medicare cuts undid Newt Gingrich taking the air out of his Republican revolution. President obama’s democrats are prescribing themselves a strong does of both, in an exercise in self destructive quackery. Well in that cause the test was used before and it has failure and killed the Democrats in 1994, so Obama can’t afford failure and that’s it’s the defeat of ClintonCare. But now such are the growing political and the substantive flaws of Obamacare that Democrats can’t afford success of failure. If they keep pass the tax hikes and Medicare well the increasing insurance premiums the bill is sure to cause of bigger problem in America. Not just increasing the insurance the Democrats will got themselves into this hellish dilemma by not taking the obvious step of scaling back the bill once it became clear it engendered fierce public resistance. We they were thinking a rare opportunity to see a train wreck at its inception, as the conductors make the decisions with malice afterthought that will ramify disastrously. In the story said “everyone agree that the nation is on an unsustainable fiscal path.” They add $2.5 trillion entitlement to hurry us further along the path. But the tax hikes that could go to reducing to the deficit they’ll plow into the new entitlement. Medicare too, that they could shore up Medicare’s own shaky finances, they’ll plow into the entitlement too like for example that if the cuts happen at all and the new entitlement will growing up to the percent they want at a projected 8 percent a year, just and it’s only through gimmickry it’s made to look deficit neutral in the first decade. The fastest it go the increase of they will go good profit and the cost curve of health care will be bent up, and insurance premiums, too, will rise. Like for example for all of the health care plants is in way they want to give to the people. Obamacare will still leave 24 million people without health insurance. So not all the people in American have health insurance, like the some people from China and come to American and the didn’t have and they don’t about the health insurance, and some maybe don’t speak English so they cannot get health insurance. But nothing else watching the Democrats sacrifice so much on behalf of this monstrosity is fascinating, appalling and dramatic. They has common, read, write about the it, sense suggests that they shouldn’t do it. But they have not yet march it.

Ziliang wu                                                     11/12/09

                            CAN’T FIND ME



It was a raining, the sky is dark and the rain was getting more stronger. Falling and falling down to the ground like each of rain fall is bigger than another. Day pass, rain got smaller, but the street is like a pool, a blood fall down slowly to the water and more keep falling down red dark blood. A red eyes black owl fly across to a building and land it right next to a die, wet, and cold blood human body. The head of the human was looking at the fight side of the owl when the body was facing left side. The human body was a female that was cut by a knife 7 time in the front body. Her shirt was cut open and the blood fall right out and haft naked. There was a gun point at her head shot into her brain. As the blood she lost the color of her skin a going away, around is just only cold dark red blood……..



7 weeks pass, a girl was walking by herself talking on the phone. A boot was cover with blood walking to the girl and he take out a hand gun and shot right in the middle of the girl back, as the girl felt the gun point and looked up to the sky. As fast as the killer take his sword out and cut off her head and the blood pop out pump out to the air and slowly her body fall down. Her phone fall down and make a little sound as the blood fall right to the front of her phone, than her head roll and stop right next to the phone. “hello !!...” than person on the phone said “Amy, Amy, Hello” no one answer. The blood of Amy was at the killer sword falling down to the floor, he walk to Amy body and used his sword to cut and write “Have a good night.”



“Hello Ken you there?” the killer said “yeah …” “ Where are you ?” Ken ask “ this is not your thing so get out of my way or I just have to” “what kill me I” I will found you” Said Ken. 2 day pass there was 4 people get kill by the same person the same way. There body was cut, skin a cut out, the body was shot as well. Ken was walk and saw a paper on the ground and he read it. “is a street name and number” the killer he thought. 7 hours pass I went to check out the house with the other cops and FBI. Ken ring the door bell, but one answer. Than each minutes pass the other FBI take their gun and think that there may be something happen in there. They break the door and ran and go search the whole house to see and check everything, but nothing was there well not nothing a die body was find inside the house and looking nasty as well.



The body was a male shot to dead, but the Ken and the other can not think that how many people was there killing the one single person and other way to said it. Around the house the was more than one foot print on the floor and the outside the door. The body and the name of the that person who got kill was David first name, but there are nothing different about the people that got kill before than. “Is the same killer but more than one person who did this” Ken said to one of the FBI name Dan. The body was shot and there was 16 shot point and no cut in the body. On the floor there are no blood and no other clue on the body that was come out just foot print. Some of the FBI was checking on the breaking door that they break the lock was kind of breaking and the are no hands and other print on the door. “the people who did this clear all of this very good and nice as well.



In New York City a body was find die in the middle of the tall building, but the bad thing is the body of the female was dead in 3 or 4 days before was find so when the cops is search the body it smell bad and hard to do the test on the body. Not only not when a female body is die and for long time the air around the place is getting more smelly air and the cells of the body is start going away, H2O inside of the human body is drying up more and more, than the oxygen start grouping the air around the smell will kill other living things around there as the hydrogen inside the human body. Ken “who are you? Why are you doing this to the people kill?” he ask the killer if the killer was right in front of him but he is just talking to himself only. “We will going to find him and the other people who is working for him” said Dan “yeah I think so too.”As they said the last word the blood of that human body was on the wall said “find me if you can…***.”  

Water gave life,
Water is H2O,
In this world people need water to live,
Think what happening if in this world of that are no water,
....... dry land,
Human is becoming dryer than everyday and each seconds.
Coming to the bad day,
Each day and year,
Water is go away.
1000 year have pass,
What do you think will happening than ?
         Water is a hop and a way to live in this world,
         Water is real,
You can not water make it,
Water is peal clear and like air that we need,
Without water there are no today,
no Earth,
no life power. 

Everything I did there are sadness coming out,
I use my eye to see,
But sadness is blocking the way.
Each time I open my eye the line and the forming way is begin with sadness.
Why can't just stop ?
Why can't be happy and nice ?........
Happiness is weak to be better than sadness,
Sadness can be see in the eye,
Soon sadness inside of your heart will over come.........^^^

In our world there are places that has nice grass and cool animals or plants. In our city I didn't see place that have grass around the city. In farm and other animals places, they has to find food to keep living and to give food to the little ones. Well in the other environments and habitat is different and difference to find food and do something else. Other habitat is in the water and in fortes around the world. To see how different from our habitat is we get food by hunting and buying from outside. For explain rain forest is so different from our environment because rain forest has animals the is more than in our city and other plants too. Well there are some similar things about the other environment and our. Like the under water in so different because they are under water and our environments and the other  human living is not under water in the ocean.  I think that I saw many kind of environment and the most interesting was China is big and a lot of places can go to.

Hi is a new things are coming up and posts are coming up soon so keep coming to my blog and comment me ok !!!!

Hi have you play the 3rd world farming ?? if not you should try it is good and bad. Inside the game you maybe mad, sad, not fair. Sometime I get mad at this game so I stop and play again. I think that there are no way to beat the game. I know that many of people have many different way to play this game. In the game there are things to help you plant, and living in the place withe the animals that you have in your farm, and yes when you start there are 2 kids u=in your family and that mean there are a mother in the family. Each time if you doing good you maybe will get a another kids a new member. I think that this 3rd world farming game you can get over $500 and 5 or more kids.

I play this game myself too and I think that I am the farm the man. I start poor and the money I get was $50 than I get up to $1085 and I get 7 kids in my family is fun when I have many kids and money than I start going down so fast is like my day is over.
My strategy in this game is that I plant all the things in there than I get more money. My teacher Mr.L tell me that when I have kids my kids will work and get me more money and I can save up the money to get higher money to beat other people. I think that there are only little strategy to play this game. And I think this game is cool and real ture life in the game.

The GPS in the landfills they take the gas in the landfills and that is trash and and gas go up the well and pass the power gas to a place and to put it to the power to a place and travel to house and building. And people buy food home and the food still same place and the food starting to transfer organic material and the organic material in landfill is 66%. And that is call the biodegradation and many nasty things are eat the things garbage in the trash in landfill.

It is Valentine Day !!! many of the boys and mans will get the girls and woman to go out and have a good time in Valentine day. Some of the people like man will get the woman or girls some give like a small bear, some chocolate, a card of heart, and write about how you felt about her or him. Like me I can not tell how I feel I can not get it out of my heart and my mind. Each day I get up in the nigh when everyone was sleeping is like I was thinking about some I didn't know I can not get a good sleep because of that I doesn't is anything do with liking some one or some other thing. Hmm about the Valentine Day there are more thing about Valentine day and love. Chocolate the one candy that make people happy and feeling good many of people give chocolate to girl and eat in a good night I think that chocolate taste good is more than taste because when you are sad, mad, and you can eat chocolate to make it better and felt good too. I think that if your like someone you can give some chocolate candy to a girl or boys wait I doesn't think is boys only girls and chocolate can make a girl like you or is not true because the girl doesn't at all like Peter in my school he like a girl in school name Marina but marina doesn't like he at all because Peter talk too much make Marina doesn't felt good. Some people in my school did many thing in Valentine day like go out and but give for her or him like a bear and chocolates and flowers wait i have to tell you about flower girls like flower because they look nice and it feel good when you smell. I think that girls are like a flower because inside of a girl have a good nice thinking good heart inside of it. Is some perfect like a nice flower perfect feeling and nice feel warm. Maybe that is the reason the the boys starting to like a girl that they see or saw. If you are read this is I Z who think and I do not know is true are not true but how I tell is so so so true I doesn't know who I like or love if you know give me a comment are tell me is person. In school there many of boys in my class the like a girl if you want to know more give a comment to me I will write more about Love

My boring dream is so so so so so boring. Because I doesn't dream everyday when I am sleeping. When I go to sleep I wake up many time at night I doesn't know what is wrong with me I think I dream 1 or 4 in a month I think. In the next day I wake up I doesn't know what kind of dream I have when I was sleeping. One dream that I skill remember is when I am small I dream about many kind of things in a dream makes me can not remember anythings at all so is hard to remember a dream. I remember was my dream it was so different I still remember it was not long and not shot. In my dream I was at one place and the next it was a other place is like I am traveling faster than 2 second is like I has super speed in my dream. I know inside the dream is not true so I stop thanking about that dream again. In the next 5 day I has no dream at all I just some that I can only dream one and the next 5 or 6 day I will not have anythin dream. I was thinking in the day why I can only dream one in the week or 3 a month some other kid is different than the other kids because the has dream like everynight and sometime will I am not. If I have a dream that will be a important dream to me and I have to remember it too so if I remember the dream that I have at night I can not remember so that is mean I miss a dream and lost a imortant. The last dream it was so long and boring dream I have is ike I was walking The Great Wall Of China. Long......... I just only walking and good is like I keep can not stop walking I want to wake up but I can I am in my dream and can wake up. The next day I wake up my dad said I was sick and I was sleeping. In the dream I saw many cold and can not see where I was going than I wake up.
