In our world there are places that has nice grass and cool animals or plants. In our city I didn't see place that have grass around the city. In farm and other animals places, they has to find food to keep living and to give food to the little ones. Well in the other environments and habitat is different and difference to find food and do something else. Other habitat is in the water and in fortes around the world. To see how different from our habitat is we get food by hunting and buying from outside. For explain rain forest is so different from our environment because rain forest has animals the is more than in our city and other plants too. Well there are some similar things about the other environment and our. Like the under water in so different because they are under water and our environments and the other  human living is not under water in the ocean.  I think that I saw many kind of environment and the most interesting was China is big and a lot of places can go to.

