My boring dream is so so so so so boring. Because I doesn't dream everyday when I am sleeping. When I go to sleep I wake up many time at night I doesn't know what is wrong with me I think I dream 1 or 4 in a month I think. In the next day I wake up I doesn't know what kind of dream I have when I was sleeping. One dream that I skill remember is when I am small I dream about many kind of things in a dream makes me can not remember anythings at all so is hard to remember a dream. I remember was my dream it was so different I still remember it was not long and not shot. In my dream I was at one place and the next it was a other place is like I am traveling faster than 2 second is like I has super speed in my dream. I know inside the dream is not true so I stop thanking about that dream again. In the next 5 day I has no dream at all I just some that I can only dream one and the next 5 or 6 day I will not have anythin dream. I was thinking in the day why I can only dream one in the week or 3 a month some other kid is different than the other kids because the has dream like everynight and sometime will I am not. If I have a dream that will be a important dream to me and I have to remember it too so if I remember the dream that I have at night I can not remember so that is mean I miss a dream and lost a imortant. The last dream it was so long and boring dream I have is ike I was walking The Great Wall Of China. Long......... I just only walking and good is like I keep can not stop walking I want to wake up but I can I am in my dream and can wake up. The next day I wake up my dad said I was sick and I was sleeping. In the dream I saw many cold and can not see where I was going than I wake up.