Some people listen to music while they are working, to me I don't, but I try to listen music that while I am working. But it didn't workout for me. You see, all the people are different than the other so they act different. To me, I am not a listing music while I am working type, so I just work while my mind is in a different dimensional as I possess though the working time, it help me thank faster and work faster and not feeling bored. I think is better for people to work with out listen to music is distract working possess in their brain.
In some military, people are train different. Like some people in the military train with computer program in places to help them. Some military train people running and thing like that. Well their are advantages for having war simulation. Well war simulation is the bad guy in the computer program and fighting you so you are only real person and the system are not a real person so is only a training no one die and can help you learn how to kill better and save the other person better of the train. A other advantage of the war simulation is this system can act like is in a real war and the skill are not bad you may get take down by the the war simulation system or failed the job so is hard for the man to beat the system so they have to think they are in a real war so they can use the real skill to try and beat it that is a real training. In the war simulation is no one die in the training or hurt. Is save and better for you not to get the real shot and the computer system shot you and you are not death the mean you are out the is it. Mean is the real war you are die so out is die to say it in the the word. One more advantage is this train can even teach you new things in the training and is hard to go though it. As you known war is sample that you shot and other person shot, and than one of them die the is easy the only thing is are you reality to shot. But in the training of the war simulation levels maybe you have to ues the right weapon to do the kill so if you use the wrong weapon the can not kill them, they kill you in real life. So you are learn something in the train of war simulation.
Right now the technology is only saw the bad guy by the light the computer saw in the wall . Soon the technology will grow than the computer will saw the light of the body like a real one. And move like a normal human but a light is sawing and move by the light sawing in different place.
I think that tap water is clearer than bottle water, because the tap water come from the natural places where the real clear water are. Well the bottle water is the same, but one thing they comes from the factory the make the bottle with oil and make the pollution by burn the oil to make the bottle of the plastic than they put the clear water in to the plastic bottle and sent it to places to sell them. The reason the is not clear for the bottle water to me is there are a smell of the oil plastic mix with the clear and make the water unclear. Oil can pollution the water so water mix with oil in the plastic bottle is not clear. So that is why I tap water is clearer the the bottle water.
The first thing the bottle water make was in the factory where close to the clear and getting them to the factory to make the bottle water. The hard part is to make the bottle, first they use gas, oil and fire to make the bottle by burning them to make it in to bottle and the air slowly goes up the sky and the pollution start at that point. After the bottle was made, they put the clear water in to the bottle and start the sent to the places to sell them. People from around the world go to buy bottle to drink, in minute they finish drinking they throw them away to recycle. But the bad thing start now, they lie to people even me about putting all the recycle thing to recycle back to use, but is not. As you all think where is going if is not the recycle place? To India and put in more and more, some even put in to people backyard. Well is the only the 20% percent. Well the other 88% percent is put in to the landfills or using fire to burn it down and the pollution start going around the place or city. First I think to stop the problem is, try to slow down the factory to stop making bottle water and than close them down one by one. To do that well about everyone in the home still have some bottles, so what you do is not to throw them away. Keep they to put the tap water in and use it so it don't have to burn the pollution out and don't have to buy the bottle water with the money we have. We can just use the bottle to put tap water in. In the other year is coming up people should sell more things that can put water in not making bottle water it will make the environment bad and life form as well.
In this world the computer tech is going higher level than before. For example, in war there are enemy out there trying to kill you or to do something they want and you in the other hand are fighting they to make the world better. In before today wars are fighting so different than now. In old time the people fight the enemy with one on one and hand to hand combat fight like hit each other. But now they had make and build a thing called "Predator Drones." They use that to kill the enemy with the weapon inside it. Everyday the worker come in and work to use the Predator Drones to found, look, and other things to do with the Predator Drones. The person the are using the Predator Drones to kill or catch the bad guys and the enemy or in the other word kill them. So that mean the person the is controlling the Predator Drones is having more percent to kill the enemy but not easy to get kill, but the enemy is more likely going to be kill. Well it have so much different ways to look at it. To me is can of not fair to the enemy but their goal is big we have to use the technology or their technology would be better than our. Not fair to the enemy the they fight us, but is not fair if they are the one who fight us first. People in the military the use the predator drones is good and bad feel they all think many likely are the man the have a family and kids. Some people think is good because they can came home save and have thing to tell about to their own family is cool. Some other people think that, we working in the predator drones all day long making our mind, brain, and head hurt with all that computer processing all together. Not only that is hurt the mind of their thinking and forget thing too. Some cause die to them self. So if a question that ask me "would you be interested in flying predator drones for the military ?" I said "no." Because I don't want to lost the power I get on me right now just live the normal.
Some people become addiction to gaming is because the games get them interest in it, make them keep playing. In that time you are addiction to the game. Some time you may think you had play for 3 or 4 hours that is a lot, but you are pass it. People sometime play games for days and without any sleep and eating the food that give you power. That how people body and other part got problem and issues, in that time you are not that same person as before. Addiction is a bad thing that can happen easy to kids that is very young. For example, a 7 year old kid family buy a fast PC for him. Everyday he came back to home from school he go right to computer to play, work, other things that do with computer. Second a kid can get in to addiction very easy, knowing a person that never saw or play on a game in the computer and he or she is very poor. Do you think he will addiction to it or not? My thought is yes, a person never saw or play a game from now they have to be addiction to it. So I don't play on the computer so much I still will get addiction to it. Number 3 reason that I think is, addiction to gaming a not easy to stop like a person smoking is hard to quit. It feel good being in the game all day just play game you like making you feel you are in the real game acting killing. In fact, it kill you. Like smoking, if you keep smoking soon maybe you will die faster. For computer it can not be kill it can be fix, but not so many people kill out from the addiction from computer, but it more coming just like smoking.
Number 4, as the world technology keep going better and better there will be so hard to think a kid wouldn't get in addiction to gaming. Last reason, the world is full for technology, each person have to think something to do with the technology maybe games or other things. So I think is hard for a person not to addiction to computer and gaming in tech issues, when they are interest in it later they are addiction to it.
1 I think that is in possible that any people like kids is so possible that they will addiction to gaming. Because around the world kids go to computers to play games because it more interest the work you do in school, home, and other things....Games is a interest to all the kids if they play them a lot of time and stop knowing is going to be bad for your body.
2 In South Korea, there are a treatment centers to help kids or students to stop playing that much games in computers. But I think is a little good idea, but is not all good. It only help the kids stop playing games for moths, but when they go back home they will start going to play the games again. In the South Korea is a a treatment for people stop playing games, help them to get out of gaming world to the real world, and them do good in school and other work again, but is just only for some time.
3 In American that are more freedom of games than Korean, that is what I think. In the American culture there are like more time to play the games you want sometime even other don't care about you too. In Korean is different, because there have a treatment center too so is little better than American. I said no different, I see the videos in the South Korea, there are like so games is more interest than here so kids in Korea is more in to gaming. I noticed that American culture and Korean Culture are like the same if the people is in to games they will do the same.
Alien: Hello Earthling. Thank you for conversing with me.
You: OK I don't know you but you are welcome.....
Alien: May I ask you a few questions?
You: Of course!
Alien: I have never been to earth before, can you tell me a little bit about it? What are some beautiful and interesting places I should visit?
You: Elli Island, my house, and my school.
You: What is your planet like?
Alien: From the outside is much of cover blue water, and some the part that cover white is ice or cold, and the last thing is green and is cover of lands of our homes.
Alien: You humans seem like you’re very angry with each other. I watched people walk down the street and most people didn’t even look at each other! Why is that?
You: some time and some people doesn't like other people looking at it feels weir and they start to feel angry.
You: What’s it like on your planet when you walk around?
Alien: So different than Earth, some of the things in our planet can fly, building are all taller the 1000 floor, and one more thing flying cars and ships.
Alien: Why does your home country go to war with other countries?
You: So of the countries want freedom and other want to take anything they want and some disagree and start a war.
Alien: It seems to me that what you call “marshmallows” are the best thing to eat on your planet. Why do you not eat these every day?
You: Marshmallows is like a candy some time candy is not good to your body because is too much sugars.
You: What do you eat on your planet?
Alien: Vegetable is good for our body and vegetable soup.
Alien: It seems to me that you do not treat earth very well. I see people throwing their trash on the ground, cutting down forests, and burning dirty coal to make electricity. Why do humans not care about earth? Is anyone doing anything about it?
You: Well they said they do that because they can get new technology to make this world better but they are wrong is bad, but are nature life to keep alive but they are killing it. So trying hard can doing time but is too later for that now.
Dirty water is a water cannot drink and use because is bad. 2.5 million people do not have a toilet and latrine. And over the water on other things that the people have feces can be easily reach the drinking water. In other word each single feces the bad things go down to the grand water and one feces has over 1,000,000,000,000 viruses and for the bacteria over 10 million. Of that much of viruses and bacteria without sanitation and hygiene, the water sources will become contaminated. And for the people who drink the water can contract, and water related disease more like cholera, most of which cause massive diarrhea. Over that much of people drinking that water the diarrhea will growing more in the body, like for example that over 4100 kids kill by the diarrhea of each day. Not only that 90% of the kids who die in diarrhea of the 4100 some die before them are born and baby who still in the mother body. In that cause children who drink unsafe water often carry over 999 parasitic worm and not only that they are still growing in the days and over night. Diarrhea is a bad thing, in each year more than 400 million school day are lost due to diarrhea and the water related illnesses in that the kids are die more than we think. As you know not all the child around the world are in school, but they have to work, for example young girls are often forced work to abandon their education in searching of clean water to get good health but is harder than they think. Now nearly 1.5 million of children in the developing world die each because of diarrhea causes by the dirty water that they drink from each other days. Not all the water in the world is safe to play or drink. Diarrhea is number one big problem of the water the cause to made child die of the dirty water. So one thing that I know and most important is water is different from what we think it is, water can become dirty water and slowly take over half the world and die it, for example "Diarrhea." So I think people should keep clear with our water to make the world little cleaner than now.
This is my habitat a house and at the back of the house there are a pool to swim to do so sport and keep your self in good way not sick. On the right side there are a small Wind Turbine to use wind to get electricity without having pollution to the area. And at the back back there are a bigger wind turbine, but is more use than just get electricity. Like is a light house, when at night the light house have a light around the area and the house to see and the wind turbine spin and use that to power up the light house. Not only that in the front a point to tell in the morning that the wind are coming from which way and how fast the speed is and safe the electricity on TV to see it. So the other way to said is "safe electricity, without pollution and helpful to the place, and yourself."
Should dying people kept on life support ?
Do you agree that dying people should kelp on life support? I agree that dying people should kept on life support, because even if people are dying the people are like me. If they are dying we should give the life support. In this world, people are slowly dying everyday, and doctors should do everything in their power to save the dying person. We should give the people who want life support more time for the to be in this world again before they go. Or there are other reasons life support. I see many stories and newspapers about people or kids die for many reasons such as disease, violence, and accidents. This is human world and our humanity makes us helping each other in this world and save the living things in this world to keep us breathing. In order to helping each other,esoterically a dying person I think that we should give him or her life support and keep him or her alive. Life support everyone of us has it and that is why we are alive in the world.
For example, if what the dying person was part of your family, like your Grandfather? he is dying, so is your choices to pick to keep your Grandfather on life support or dying slowly will hurt your grandfather more than life support, not at all. Do you want your Grandfather on bed rest, it will not feel better than life support. I think that people should help each other to do things that one person cannot do alone. In a of a story that I read in the newspaper that “ a kid dies in the water.” It sounded sad and madness scuttle their family. Because their kid died and you're maybe thinking that you are going to die before your children. The case of dying under water is because the people didn’t give him life support because Medicare to keep him alive for some time. The time in this world is not that long for a person to live in because every person in this world has to go away at some point cannot live for ever.
Do you know that one of the benefits of life support is its ability to sustain hops for that person? Regardless of the extent of the person’s injuries or ailments, in one famous case only small percent of the people will get the full and good recovery to live a full life. Like for example the a female person was sleeping and the next day in the morning, she never woke up. Then she was admitted to the hospital to get her appendix removed. But sap slipped into a coma that lasted 37 years of sleeping time in the world. Think about 37 years asleep she come back up still alive and not just before 37 years and die away like that, and she got back her life after 37 years is it good to wait that long and still have a life? Or is it better to die and not lire lire a vegetable? In the life support that a person give to another is case money and bills around that point. Will think a person will use his/her money to keep one person in life support for so long and lost a lot of money will that person do it or not? In one thing addition to the monetary investments, doctor, and nurses and other hospital staff are also obligated to provide care for a life support patient even if the prognosis of any type of recovery is grim I think is a lot a losing money and the time, but still I think is good and save that person.
Keeping someone on life support maybe for the good of the other outside of the immediate family. Life support is a long enough to find out what is going on inside someone problem body and fix to help it feel better and well. In time over 100,000 people was like this before and they all did what is good for, taking life support in the hospital and waiting for their organ donations fix and clear it. But yet in now they still not done with that 100,000 people about their problem and there are a another good new. Is the people are slowly recovery and come back their life and family. Is like they have to transplants their organ were performed badly and they are making it better. It different when the test is finish, because of that not all person in the world can make it with life support and any other Medicare. Like for example that what of the person die in the support of life so are you mad that a person die what it have to do or you just feeling sad about that person going away? Learning to this a document outlining a person’s wishes upon death created while a person is still alive. People said “it is different I thought it will,” so I think bad things happened and they felt did it better. A lot of people and me thinks that health care should be add it to life support. Because some of health care is mean of some medicine. Medicine is some things that help us feel better when you don't feel that well. So if people don't feel well they should get medicine means health care, so I think health care can help life support do better on help people that need it. Some people around the world are dying and they use life support keep on the right way and feel better and to remove problem like disease, but there are another way to remove disease and that is some thing that have to do with health care and medicine. To remove problem faster i think and agree to adding health care like medicine to life support to help removing the problem on the person that are dying and need life support together with health care it will be better on. Some time health care is insurance so if you are in the hospital and you are in coma, and you are in life support, so in the case if health care was add in with life support so you will get medicine and insurance to pay the bill in the hospital and you doesn't have to pay any thing. Health care is something that help you do better if you have it. Health care is what a lot of people has and they have to pay to get health care just like life support, but health care is different from life support. Because life support only when a person are dying need for help, and health care is something you can get it inside and the outside. Health care is something that keep people wealth everyday and minutes that we are not feeling so well.
Do you know around the world people are pay insurance in health care and paying different on life support? Insurance health care is a good with your health and any time that you get hurt and they will help cover the money and paying the hospital such as life support. People disagree about life support because of money. A person can get all the money in the world, but still can not get it all because money is more than all. But they still disagree because they doesn't want to pay their own money for some life support. Some people think money is the important thing in the world because without money you cannot do anything. Sometime is right but sometime is wrong to said that. Life support is something to with your or some one life. In the beginning I said that the dying person was your own father would still using some money of own to keep him alive for some time than go? Think about what happen if you do that? What it got change if you do it? But people disagree not just the money and there are another reason. "Life time" why? because if a person is dying you maybe would think that "that person is going to die any way, way should I pay and keep him or her alive?" Because that was your father him help you more than any one why you doesn't help a last time? Another reason that people disagreeing about life support is there are 50% and 50% percent of the time that person can make it or not, because life support is not a thing that give to someone and than make him or her 100% back to life and feel better. One person is dying and that was has life support is still not easy because that person is dying different from one health and wealth person. So people think would it be good to use the money to save that person or still use the money to lost money and the person cannot make it.
If a person is dying no matter is him or her are old or young we should give that person life support that person should get to keep him alive. Helping each other is what important, human are living thing just like plants living thing. If a person is dying people should do everything in their power to do what is good to keep that person alive as long as there are time. We all know that time run fast and our each life is getting smaller and smaller so we should keep the dying people on life support and live their life long as in this world. I like the idea of life support and I agree the things about life support, but one thing I like to add to the life support in to the law is health care. Doing more fast and more better with health care is faster and I agree on that and my idea will work perfect way. "Life support" the name of the first was "life," this mean filfe support is something good is going on to your life when you have any problem in your body and the life support will keep you in good health. Not only that is a person who is making a good reason why he use life support to keep hm alive now. If you are in the hostial and you are dying, think about using life support no just use life support it will save your time and save your life in the way the you put. Chnage your life if you are dying, is one way to keep living on or you will have to take something bad and be die. Well in this world everyone die is nature you can not change the thing that was make when we are not in this world. Life support is one good thing happen if you come back from one bad and dying time.