Dirty water is a water cannot drink and use because is bad. 2.5 million people do not have a toilet and latrine. And over the water on other things that the people have feces can be easily reach the drinking water. In other word each single feces the bad things go down to the grand water and one feces has over 1,000,000,000,000 viruses and for the bacteria over 10 million. Of that much of viruses and bacteria without sanitation and hygiene, the water sources will become contaminated. And for the people who drink the water can contract, and water related disease more like cholera, most of which cause massive diarrhea. Over that much of people drinking that water the diarrhea will growing more in the body, like for example that over 4100 kids kill by the diarrhea of each day. Not only that 90% of the kids who die in diarrhea of the 4100 some die before them are born and baby who still in the mother body. In that cause children who drink unsafe water often carry over 999 parasitic worm and not only that they are still growing in the days and over night. Diarrhea is a bad thing, in each year more than 400 million school day are lost due to diarrhea and the water related illnesses in that the kids are die more than we think. As you know not all the child around the world are in school, but they have to work, for example young girls are often forced work to abandon their education in searching of clean water to get good health but is harder than they think. Now nearly 1.5 million of children in the developing world die each because of diarrhea causes by the dirty water that they drink from each other days. Not all the water in the world is safe to play or drink. Diarrhea is number one big problem of the water the cause to made child die of the dirty water. So one thing that I know and most important is water is different from what we think it is, water can become dirty water and slowly take over half the world and die it, for example "Diarrhea." So I think people should keep clear with our water to make the world little cleaner than now.


  1. Ms. Matos says:

    It's sad to hear that people live without having no clean water to drink. Clean water is such a basic necessity but only 1 or 2% of the water in the world is drinkable.
    I encourage to see the MTV special Summit on the Summit. It's very enlightening.
