Alien: Hello Earthling. Thank you for conversing with me.
You: OK I don't know you but you are welcome.....
Alien: May I ask you a few questions?
You: Of course!
Alien: I have never been to earth before, can you tell me a little bit about it? What are some beautiful and interesting places I should visit?
You: Elli Island, my house, and my school.
You: What is your planet like?
Alien: From the outside is much of cover blue water, and some the part that cover white is ice or cold, and the last thing is green and is cover of lands of our homes.
Alien: You humans seem like you’re very angry with each other. I watched people walk down the street and most people didn’t even look at each other! Why is that?
You: some time and some people doesn't like other people looking at it feels weir and they start to feel angry.
You: What’s it like on your planet when you walk around?
Alien: So different than Earth, some of the things in our planet can fly, building are all taller the 1000 floor, and one more thing flying cars and ships.
Alien: Why does your home country go to war with other countries?
You: So of the countries want freedom and other want to take anything they want and some disagree and start a war.
Alien: It seems to me that what you call “marshmallows” are the best thing to eat on your planet. Why do you not eat these every day?
You: Marshmallows is like a candy some time candy is not good to your body because is too much sugars.
You: What do you eat on your planet?
Alien: Vegetable is good for our body and vegetable soup.
Alien: It seems to me that you do not treat earth very well. I see people throwing their trash on the ground, cutting down forests, and burning dirty coal to make electricity. Why do humans not care about earth? Is anyone doing anything about it?
You: Well they said they do that because they can get new technology to make this world better but they are wrong is bad, but are nature life to keep alive but they are killing it. So trying hard can doing time but is too later for that now.
u look funny, nice one dude